The Future of Telecoms in the Workplace

Not only was 2020 the start of a brand new decade, paving the way for innovative developments in the telecommunications industry, but it has also been the year that has revolutionised the way we work. More businesses than ever before are seeing the benefits of allowing employees to work productively from the comfort of their own homes.

As more of us are working remotely, there’s a greater demand for reliable communication tools that enable us to get in touch with colleagues as easily and effectively as possible. Although, with the increased demand, it has meant that the telecommunications industry has had to up its game to pave the way for a future of remote working. But what’s changed already and how else could the industry evolve to embrace the ever-growing demand for telecommunication solutions?

How has the telecoms industry changed in recent years?

Over the last few years, we have seen the emergence of new, big players in the world of tech that have changed the face of telecommunications. It is now possible for companies to control everything, from devices and handsets to cloud storage and user information flows, it has placed less emphasis on more traditional, established networking businesses.

As a result, negotiating has been made harder for conventional telecoms suppliers, so they’re constantly trying to stay ahead of the game to avoid being, eventually, phased out by technology giants.

We’ve also seen a drop in the number of old-out network equipment vendors. This is because they no longer have the same influence over the ICT industry as they did ten, or even fifteen, years ago. Instead, these vendors have been hoovered up by large IT companies in order to build computing platforms that are more network-distributed.

Although, new vendors have emerged from countries such as China and South Korea and they continue to have a hold over this part of the telecoms industry. According to experts, this is something we should be aware of going forward to ensure traditional network equipment vendors aren’t completely pushed out of the fold.

What does the future hold for telecoms?

Martin Geedes, a renowned futurologist, technologist, writer and speaker in the telecommunications industry, claims that, eventually, the balance of structure and power within the industry will shift. Although, it’s not yet known exactly how long this will take, with Geedes warning that we’ll most likely be waiting longer than initially expected for the change to happen.

It’s also thought that physical assets with a considerable lifespan of around 30 years will soon fall seamlessly into multi-utility corporations. This, according to experts, could be because there’s still growing uncertainty about exactly what control cloud and network devices will have over existing networks.

Not only this, but we’re also unsure as to how effective the shift in control will be. In turn, this could mean a more reduced role for traditional telecommunication networks, with cloud commerce platforms set to integrate both wholesale communications and e-commerce. However, in the future, this could make it easier for enterprises to reach their customers and for their customer to reach them.

Telecommunication experts claim that 2021 will be too soon to see a significant change and that instead, we could be waiting up to 5 years for combined commerce and distributed computing to take place, which could prove to be quite fragmented to start with.

All in all, the industry as a whole will have to be very much aware of the potential changes over the coming years. This will be made easier if telecommunication networks pay close attention to the changing market and what it is their customers are wanting from the industry.

Is consumer behaviour around telecoms changing?

As the industry changes, so does the attitude of the consumer. It’s often been taken for granted that digital connectivity and services have always existed side-by-side. In addition to this, they’ve also been easy to use, affordable and reliable, so it’s no wonder that we’ve been embedding these services so readily into our everyday lives.

Overall, it’s been more a matter of convenience for the average customer. We no longer keep address books by the telephone or have a road atlas in the car, and that’s because technology and telecommunications formed a solid alliance that, so far, has stood the test of time.

The merger, according to technologists, triggered structural changes that became deeply rooted in economic and social behaviours, and so that’s why it’ll take considerable time for practices within the industry to occur and subsequently catch on.

Basically, consumer behaviour is changing, particularly with the introduction of 5G, but it’ll take time for the general public to fully embrace any shift in the industry, particularly as we’re so used to the technology we have already.

Although, with 2020 offering up some challenges for businesses, particularly if they’re having to let employees work from home, the telecommunications industry has revolutionised the way we communicate with our colleagues when working remotely. As such, businesses have had to embrace the industry like never before, thus changing our overall attitude towards telecommunications and its subsequent shift in priority, considering the current situation worldwide.

How will a telecoms transformation benefit the workplace?

As technology and telecommunication capabilities advance, businesses will find it easier to keep in touch with both their employees and their customers. Although it’s important to communicate effectively and efficiently with colleagues when working from home, it’s also paramount that your clients can be contacted, and vice versa, to ensure their custom is retained.

Poor customer service can often drive people to shop elsewhere, leaving you, unnecessarily, out of pocket. With the emergence of advancing technology, combined with innovative telecommunication strategies, it’ll change the way we work from home forever, allowing you to continue giving customers the service they both expect and deserve.

Whether you’re wanting to use VoIP (voice over Internet protocol) together with PBX (private branch exchange) or simply use direct or instant messaging software to communicate with staff and clients, a decent Internet connection is all you’ll need.

For a more private connection, a VPN (virtual private network) would be an ideal solution. It allows for company data to be easily accessed by your employees no matter where they are. The benefit with this is that the connection is entirely secure, keeping your business data safe.

As the industry evolves, so will its capabilities. Within just a few years, more advanced VPNs could emerge, making it even safer and easier for colleagues to change, view or download company data for business needs. As well as VPNs, VoIP and PBX solutions could also become more advanced as time goes on.

With more of us than ever before working from home, there’s increasing pressure on the telecommunications industry to move with the times, meaning this technology could advance much quicker than we initially thought was possible. It’s also speculated that 5G, as controversial as it currently is, could offer us solutions that are even more effective.

As is the nature with technology as a whole, it’ll take a considerable amount of time for vast changes to be made. Typically, advancements are made gradually, so within a few years, we should see a major shift in the way things are done, particularly in the workplace – whether working from home is still the norm or not.

How Yappl can help your business

Here at Yappl, we specialise in providing businesses with effective telecommunication services and solutions. From state-of-the-art equipment to market-leading SLAs, we’re confident that we’ll be able to help your company efficiently communicate with employees and customers to maintain rapport and sales.

Whether you’d prefer a simple solution or a more advanced telecommunications method, the experts here at Yappl will be able to support you, so you can rest assured that the telecommunications solution you opt for, with our help, will be the best option for your business.

Some of the services we offer include:

For more information about how we can help your company maintain communication with staff and clients, get in touch with a member of our knowledgeable team today. You won’t have to worry about expensive contracts either – we’ll have you covered. With a variety of awards won for outstanding customer service, you can rest assured that you’ll be in the best possible hands with Yappl.

Posted on: 10 January 2021
Posted in: Industry changes

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